Tag Archives: red bread

Wednesdays @ SMFM!

Good News Everyone!


Santa Monica Farmers Market

Every Wednesday

Starting October 3 2012


Arizona and 2nd St Downtown Santa Monica

Rain or Shine or first contact from an alien race.

 All holidays, except New Years Day and Christmas Day.

 The farmers of  California are at the heart of Red Bread.  We believe the ingredients you start with determines everything.  The farmers and organizers of the Santa Monica Markets are especially near and dear to us.  Red Bread has been making  delicious goods with the freshest produce from the Santa Monica Farmers since we opened our doors.  We couldn’t be more proud to be joining them.

In addition to many of the items from our Sunday delivery reserved through the eMarket, we are busy putting the finishing touches on some new recipes we will be unveiling as Wednesday market exclusives!

We can’t wait to see you there.

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Filed under Cottage Kitchen

Featured Purveyor: Chivas

We are extremely excited to announce the addition of Chivas to the Red Bread eMarket’s ever-growing roster of amazing purveyors. The mother-daughter team from Fillmore, CA has provided us with goat milk soap and laundry detergent, the latter of which is made especially for Red Bread!


“Chivas” means “female goats” in Spanish and thanks to the rich milk from Donna and Lauren’s incredibly adorable French Alpine goats (say hi to Shrek above!), you too can enjoy the benefits of a goat milk-enhanced beauty routine. Continue reading

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Filed under Cottage Kitchen

Featured Purveyor: Plow and Gun

We are thrilled to introduce to the Red Bread eMarket our first featured purveyor: Plow and Gun Coffee! Hand-crafted in Southern California, this seasonal single-origin coffee is roasted and prepared with a perfectionism bordering on obsession.  We’ve been hooked ever since they showed us the roasting ropes!
Plow and Gun roasts only one coffee at a time, designing the roast to bring out what’s best about that coffee. The origin will change every few months as different regions come into season.  Currently Plow and Gun is roasting Colombia Buesaco, their second offering from the Nariño region. The coffee exhibits the classic floral aromatics of great Colombian coffees, and has a distinct green-apple sweetness that melts into caramel notes as the cup cools.

Besides the coffee being amazing we are a sucker for a good story!  Plow and Gun is inspired by the 1862 invention of the same name, a combination plow and gun for the utility of the farmer under assault. As Plow and Gun explains, “it was not so much the invention itself, but the ideas behind it: that the frontier is hard work and dangerous. That unique problems require unique solutions. That with rugged tools, courage, and ingenuity, one can carve out a little place for himself.”

We couldn’t agree more.  So drink up, you have seeds to sow and fields to guard.  Get it delivered to your door this week.

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Filed under Cottage Kitchen

Rocking the Meet and Kicking Out New Jams (Giveaway)

Red Bread recently popped up at The Venice Meet in May.  It was wonderful to be out in the community and meet so many new Venice folk!  We had our Garlic and Beer Baguettes out, and premiered a Classic Half Loaf.  A young french man stopped by to tell us there was only disappointing bread to be found in the city.  After tasting Red Bread, we received congratulations and comparisons to his hometown in France.  Then he had an Apple Cake, and  it was better than the cakes his mother made when he was a child! We are always thrilled when food can take you places.

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Filed under Cottage Kitchen

Anatomy of a Knife and Yo Venice!

We are busy as bees this Spring!

I have started the UCLA Master Preserver Program.  I am so excited to take my passion for pickling, jamming and fermenting to Master status.  I fully intend to take you along for the ride as well.  First stop, anatomy of a knife!  The knife is one of man’s oldest tools, in fact we named our historic ages after the material used to make knives; Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, etc.  Knives were not widely used for dining until the Middle Ages and we’ve never looked back.  In modern times, knives are incredibly versatile.  The heel can be used for mincing in what is known as the rock n’ chop motion.  The butt is great for smashing herbs and peppercorns.  Check out other basic knife skills here.


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Filed under Cottage Kitchen, Venice Love

Nuts and Pomegranates or Some Basics

It’s been a week but it seems like it’s been months.  This month we launched Red Bread.  A place where I get to indulge my wild yeast and decadent imaginations in the form of something hearty and sweet that you can eat!  It’s been a busy month of flour testing, chocolate tasting, walnut research, butter comparisons….you name it we have eaten it, in the name of Science!

So I haven’t been cooking anything wonderful up here at the  home front, as most of my efforts have been in a much more high tech kitchen.  In our little yellow cottage by the sea we’ve been snacking between the busy hours on nuts and fruit.  So here are some tips from our week as forest animals. Continue reading


Filed under Cottage Kitchen