Monthly Archives: February 2012

Find Yourself in an (Easy) Jam

I find Rhubarb to be intoxicating.  Rarely do you get to have it on its own as it is often paired with fruit, most famously strawberries.  It has such a short season, made shorter by the fact that no one I asked could agree…the whole foods produce manager even told me it wasn’t in season though I had some from the farmers market in my bike basket!  So I recommend when you see it snatch it up, regardless of the chatter.  And if you want to keep it for longer than its little window, JAM it!

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What A Party or Pizza All Day

I spent the day in heaven.  Heaven is located in Eagle Rock Park, a community garden where the Los Angeles Bread Bakers held a Pizza Party.  An all day, overflowing with toppings, different doughs, pastas, salads, peruvian wine, homemade jam PARTY in the winter sun of Southern California.

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Filed under Cottage Kitchen

Some Like It Hot or Homemade Horseradish

Today is a day generally celebrated with roses, hearts, notes of love and generally a lot of SWEETS.  People get down on the holiday blaming candy companies and the like for hi-jacking an otherwise beautiful day celebrating love.  At least it has been a day celebrating romantic love since the 14th century when dear old Chaucer spontaneously invented almost all of the romantic “traditions” we associate with the day, prior to which it was a day of remembrance for a disputed number of martyred saints from Roman times.  Chaucer is also the one to thank that you are reading this in English, having swayed the British monarchy away from French as the official language oh so many centuries ago.  But I digress!  So today everywhere you look there will be chocolate, candy, heart-shaped cookies, red cupcakes and other clever edible ways to say I love you. As for me, I like it hot.

So instead of another sugar laden recipe, I bring you one more pantry staple.  How to make your own Horseradish, which is ludicrously simple and deliciously spicy.  All you need is some horseradish root and some elbow grease.  That and a willingness to have your sinuses cleared, making this will definitely have you breathing easier than you have in days.  Horseradish adds an excellent kick to sandwiches, any mustard or sauce, salad dressings, a homemade kimchi, a juicy prime rib steak and if your lucky enough for a classic aphrodisiac today – raw oysters. Continue reading

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